Wednesday, April 30, 2008

TRIVIA 4: What are the names of the two main opposing soccer teams in Buenos Aires? Agnes

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

TRIVIA 3: "EL lugar donde hay que ir en Buenos Aires es El Café Tortoni, con su Bodega, su show de tango, y sus chocolates con churros." What year was it founded? Agnes

Monday, April 28, 2008

TRIVIA 2: What does 'porteño' mean? Agnes

Sunday, April 27, 2008

TRIVIA 1: This is Avenida 9 de julio, in Buenos Aires. Question: Why is it world famous? Agnes

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Traveling Buenos Aires
Mi Buenos Aires querido

Oficial Tourism Site
Snap Guide Buenos Aires
Easy Buenos Aires

Check out these links (or other cool sites you find) and post a comment telling us which things/places in BA you definitely would like to see.
We are taking requests :-) Agnes

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Aquí estamos casi todos, excepto Caroline, que se fue a casa temprano y olvidó que hoy tocaba hacernos la foto. De izquierda a derecha, empezando por arriba: Bill, Dillon, Matt, Glenn, Agnes, Don, Brooks, Jordan, Hannah, Mary Caroline, Allie y Lindsay.
PARENT meeting: Monday, May 5, 7pm, Campbell 301.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Basic Blogging tips: blogging goes from bottom to top, so the most recent postings are at the top. For a comment, click the 'comment' box closest to the top ;-)
alright so when we say winter in argentina, how cold are we talking?
like atlanta cold or northeast cold... theres a big difference. Also,
jeans-wise... how many do we need? because i only have one pair... but
yeah so... go argentina! im pumped

Che, it is time to start thinking about the stuff we are going to pack:
First, do not put your winter clothes away. I know, the weather is so nice here... but it will be winter when we go there :-)

Second, let's start a running list of things we may want to take to share with the group, but that we do not all need to pack. Please, click on the 'comments' link, and write me a line on what you think we may want to take along, and if you are able to bring it. For example:

Travel-size Mastermind: Agnes M

(Remember, your 'comments' will not post until I can ok them)

See you for the group picture on Tuesday, April 22, at 2:45.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Orientation: Sunday, May 4th. 1-6 pm

Money matters:
        • Do not bring a wad of cash
        • Do not bring travelers checks
        • Bring one ATM card and one credit card (practice using them here before we go)

Blogger Glenn said...Aquí está un enlace a un video de Andrés Calamaro, un hombre famosísimo en el mundo del Rock Argentino.