Yesterday we began our presentations in English classes. All students receive English instruction, while students in the upper school of La Escuela de la Plaza get 14 hours of instructions per week. We will visit all classes before we leave. In the lower grades students receive instruction by grade and in the secondary division students are grouped according to their level of proficiency. Our first presentation was to five year olds, who sang us a few songs in English and whom we helped sing "Old McDonald Had a Farm," "Hokey Pokey," and "Itsy, Bitsy Spider." Jack also showed them how to play lacrosse. Later in the day the students presented a powerpoint on American music to level 2 high school students and a powerpoint on sports to level 3 high school students. What the Argentine students have seemed to enjoy most is the opportunity to talk to our students in small groups. The pictures above show some of this interaction. Today we made presentations to first and second graders and to levels 7 and 8 high school students. Our students talked about American food to the high schoolers. Next Tuesday the Spanish students will show us, in Spanish, how to make a dessert called "Turron de Quaker."
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