Thanks to Facebook, keeping in contact with our Argentine and Walker school friends could not be easier! Because most of the kids from the States (including myself) helped create Facebooks for our hosts while instructing them on how to use it as well, Facebook spread to pretty much everyone we met and allows us to stay in touch with everyone of our new friends. Because Facebook usernames are just the actual names of the users, there's no need for remembering screen names or email addresses as long as you know the name of the person you want to stay in touch with. Already the walls (areas where messages are publicly left on one's respective Facebook page) of all the U.S. kids are covered in Castellano (Argentine Spanish) posts and responding to them in Spanish provides a great way for us to continue practicing the language. Plenty of pictures have been added by students from both countries and they really provide a testament to the incredible times we shared together. It's obvious that everyone misses everyone with most posts ending in either "I miss you!" or "Te extraño!" Through our ongoing correspondence with our amazing new friends we shouldn't be missing out on any news in between now and February and even through the craziness of the upcoming school year and college applications we'll be able to communicate and remember just how incredible our time spent in Argentina was. Glenn